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Protected Routes

When Using SSR​

When using SSR, I recommend creating a Protected component that will trigger suspense using the Show component. It should look like this:

// components/Protected.tsx
import { type Session } from "@auth/core/types";
import { getSession } from "@auth/solid-start";
import { Component, Show } from "solid-js";
import { useRouteData } from "solid-start";
import { createServerData$, redirect } from "solid-start/server";
import { authOpts } from "~/routes/api/auth/[...solidauth]";

const Protected = (Comp: IProtectedComponent) => {
const routeData = () => {
return createServerData$(
async (_, event) => {
const session = await getSession(event.request, authOpts);
if (!session || !session.user) {
throw redirect("/");
return session;
{ key: () => ["auth_user"] }

return {
Page: () => {
const session = useRouteData<typeof routeData>();
return (
<Show when={session()} keyed>
{(sess) => <Comp {...sess} />}

type IProtectedComponent = Component<Session>;

export default Protected;

It can be used like this:

// routes/protected.tsx
import Protected from "~/components/Protected";

export const { routeData, Page } = Protected((session) => {
return (
<main class="flex flex-col gap-2 items-center">
<h1>This is a protected route</h1>

export default Page;

When Using CSR​

When using CSR, the Protected component will not work as expected and will cause the screen to flash, so I had to come up with a tricky solution, we will use a Solid-Start middleware:

// entry-server.tsx
import { Session } from "@auth/core";
import { getSession } from "@auth/solid-start";
import { redirect } from "solid-start";
import {
} from "solid-start/entry-server";
import { authOpts } from "./routes/api/auth/[...solidauth]";

const protectedPaths = ["/protected"]; // add any route you wish in here

export default createHandler(
({ forward }) => {
return async (event) => {
if (protectedPaths.includes(new URL(event.request.url).pathname)) {
const session = await getSession(event.request, authOpts);
if (!session) {
return redirect("/");
return forward(event);
renderAsync((event) => <StartServer event={event} />)

And now you can easily create a protected route:

// routes/protected.tsx
export default () => {
return (
<main class="flex flex-col gap-2 items-center">
<h1>This is a protected route</h1>

Note: the CSR method should also work when using SSR, the SSR method shouldn't work when using CSR